Monday, March 9, 2009

There's More To It Than Just Packin' A Suitcase!

Life is a trip. God has put me on the road to service in the Navajo Nation. To see how the whole story began click here. For the past few days, I've been using almost every means available to begin to raise money for my ministry. I've sent emails, written snail mail letters, contacted Sunday school classes, and talked to folks face-to-face. Now, one of the very hardest parts, staying steadfast in the belief that God will provide and that the money will be available as needed. I've found out that some things will be more expensive than I had hoped, but hey, I'm a fan of peanut butter and Ramen Noodles and I need to loose some more weight anyway. Yesterday, I received the job description for the job I will be doing. There are 8 areas noted on it. I'll have no reason to ever be inactive or bored. The job description excites me a great deal. It provides me with opportunities for research and planning on big picture, long range project areas, hands-on work with the Navajos through our churches and other social advocacy groups, and work with the mission groups that visit the area each summer. There is a lot more detail, but the big thing is that it makes me feel like my prayers about my calling are being answered. There are several items that I'll be able to start work on even before I go out. Can you say "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations"? I've been spending a lot of time with my nose in a monster book called, "The Foundation Directory." I borrowed it from a local foundation in an attempt to find funding for my own ministry. I've not been very successful there, but it has given me wonderful ideas on possible support for our programs. Now I just have to make about a million pages of notes before returning the book. I'm told that the book is very expensive, so I don't think I'm going to buy it just for casual reference. Still 6 or 7 weeks before I start packing my suitcase, but I don't think I'm going to be able to just wait for the time to pass. More later.

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