Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Left-handed Compliment

Life is a trip. God has put me on the road to service in the Navajo Nation. To see how the whole story began click here. This is written by me to me. I forget so often. Like Paul said, those things that I should do, I do not, and those things I should not do, I do. You know what a left-handed compliment is? It is like the old joke. A young man is trying to get a friend to go on a blind double-date with him. The friend asks why he should and wants to know something good about the blind date girl. The young man replies, "Well, she doesn't sweat much for a fat girl." That is a left-handed compliment. I don't think it would make anyone feel very good. I am terrible about paying God left-handed compliments. How often I pray that He will heal someone or correct some problem or injustice. How often I ask Him to take care of me or to assure me that what I am doing with my life is the right thing to be doing. Those are left-handed compliments. Of course, I am saying that I believe God is capable of healing, of fixing problems, of giving me assurances. But, and this is a big but, I often forget to tell Him directly. I pray for help, but forget to praise Him. God already knows what I need and what I want. He is going to take care of me even without my prayers. What He wants is a relationship with me. As a mother or father, how would you feel if the only time your children came to you was with their hand out? Isn't it great when, for no reason at all, they take the time to tell you that they love you? I heard at two different worship services this weekend that God wants a relationship with me. That means not just when I need something, but all of the time. He wants to walk with me and to talk with me. How awesome is that! I invite you to join me in turning your eyes, ears, and heart to God. Walk with Him. Listen to Him. He will always be there for you and for me. I love all y'all. Ross

1 comment:

  1. Ross-

    Your closing paragraph brings to mind 2 hymns...
    In The Garden and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

    The Lord continue to bless you on your Life's Trip.

