Thursday, July 2, 2009

One Body, Many Parts

Life is a trip. God has put me on the road to service in the Navajo Nation. To see how the whole story began click here. I haven't done this before, but I want to begin with some scripture that has become more meaningful to me since I've been here in the Navajo Nation. From I Corinthians 12:4-6, "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." From I Corinthians 12:12 "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." (NIV) These readings are from Paul's letter to the church at Corinth where he addresses gifts of the Holy Spirit. I saw a great example of this at work yesterday. Rodney held a staff meeting in the morning. There were 13 of us gathered. Among that 13, 9 were women and 4 were men and 8 were Navajo and 5 were Anglo. Ages ranged from somewhere in the 20s to somewhere in the 70s. Different jobs represented included: director, office administrator, thrift store manager, church pastor, church administrative assistant, director of the child care center and her 3 assistants, 2 men who work directly with the mission teams doing hosting and building, and two staff volunteers (yours truly was one of those.) We traveled around the circle introducing ourselves, telling about our jobs, and the joys we are finding in doing them. I'll admit that I've been a little bit low sometimes out here. My mental image, before coming out, was very hands-on. I pictured myself holding the hands of ones in grief. I pictured myself, delivering lifesaving food to those with nothing to eat. I would carry the sick to the doctor and visit those in the hospital and in jail. Of course, I would be offering to pray with everyone. Each and every one of those with whom I came into contact would want to hear my testimony. Well, it didn't turn out like that and it took Paul, writing almost two thousand years ago, and a staff meeting to bring it home to me. Thanks to a glorious and giving God, I have gifts to use. Can I take care of a crowd of 2 and 3 year old children? Nope. Can I keep the financial books and track the money that must flow through the ministry? Well, maybe, but I would hate every minute. Can I lead building teams? Shoot, I can't even tell a right-handed screwdriver from a left-handed screwdriver. Can I run a thrift shop for 20+ years, like our current manager, and witness to customers in her quiet, loving way? That is an emphatic "no" and I wouldn't even want to try. Can I minister to a congregation? Not in this lifetime. But I have gifts! Do I feel comfortable talking to a busy store manager and asking for financial support? Yes. I've been a manager. I know how to cut to the chase or engage in friendly conversation if there seems to be time for that. Can I help unload a truckload of donations? You bet. I would much rather do that than swap places with the young people working repairing a house roof. Can I go get the mail and sort it out so that checks get deposited and bills paid? Yes, and with only a few lessons. That gives our office administrator more time to try to keep our director straight. Can I visit other social outreach ministries, whether secular or religious, and get them to consider ways that we can partner with them? Yes. I'm pretty good one-on-one and love to hear from people who are excited about the work they are doing. So, my family and friends, here's what I need from you... I need your continued prayers. I have too much to do to get bogged down in feeling sorry for myself because I'm not Mother Theresa. Pray that I will always feel that I am gifted in a unique way and that I am able to do things to ease burdens that others either can't or won't do. Continue to help support me financially if that is something you find possible and you want to do. Times are hard, but I'm living in a place where recession isn't recognized. Not because the economy isn't bad, but because it has always been bad. Lastly, join your heart with mine in the love of a Christ who gave more for us than we will ever be able to give to others. Oh yes, the joys that I spoke to in the meeting included new friends, a better understanding of how God works, and new information that I can bring home with me to better help those in need in my own community. I love and miss all of you, Ross

1 comment:

  1. Ross, I have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with what is happening where you are. You are providing such a great service. While Jack and I are not able to assist you financially right now, please know you are in our prayers. Continue using your special gifts to help those in need. Marilyn
